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Apply to Be a Trainer!

The Trauma Care Institute (TCI) is a program of Trauma Support Services that provides high quality trauma training throughout the state of Texas. The goal of TCI is to create trauma-informed communities statewide through high quality education.


Throughout the year, we partner with trauma experts to provide free, low cost, and specialty trainings to our audience of multi-disciplinary professionals. Our free trainings are currently funded by the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) and focus on crimes against women, violence against underserved populations, vicarious trauma, and resilience.


We welcome your presentation proposal, and we thank you for your interest in being one of our trainers with the Trauma Care Institute!

Please email the TCI Team at with any questions!


11882 Greenville Ave 
Suite B-111 (in Forest Green Office Park)

Dallas, Texas 75243

Main Tel. 972-709-4904

Trauma Care Institute Tel. 972-709-4904

In cases of emergency, dial 911


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