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Crime Victim's Compensation

The following information is provided by the Texas Attorney General's website


The Crime Victims’ Compensation (CVC) Program helps crime victims and their immediate families with the financial costs of crime. CVC covers crime-related costs such as counseling, medical treatment, funerals, and loss of income not paid by other sources. 



The Fund is administered by the Crime Victims' Compensation Program of the Office of the Attorney General. The money in the Fund comes from people who break the law. 
Who Qualifies as a Victim:

  • A victim who was injured or died because of the crime

  • Someone who came to the aid of a crime victim and was injured or died

  • First responders who were injured or died while responding to a crime. 


* An injury can include physical or mental harm. 


Who Qualifies as a Claimant:

A claimant is a person, other than the victim, who is: 


  • Authorized to act on behalf of a victim who is a minor, incapacitated, or deceased

  • Assuming the legal responsibility or paying crime-related bills 

  • A dependent of the deceased victim

  • An immediate family or household member who requires crime-related mental health care




You may apply for compensation for all eligible crime-related costs, including payment of medical costs from a sexual assault exam. To receive compensation for these costs, you must meet the following eligibility requirements:


  1. The crime must occur in Texas to a U.S. resident; or the victim is a Texas resident and the crime occurred in a country that does not offer crime victims’ compensation.

  2. The crime must be reported to an appropriate law enforcement agency.

  3. The victim or claimant must cooperate with the law enforcement investigation.

  4. You must apply within three (3) years from the date of the crime unless good cause is shown e.g., age of the victim, mental or physical capacity of the victim, etc.

  5. You are either a victim or a claimant.

  6. You did not:

    • Participate in the crime

    • Commit illegal activity at the time of the crime. Does not apply to a person who seeks compensation if the illegal activity the person engaged in was the result of human trafficking.

    • Share responsibility for the crime due to your behavior

    • Give false information to the program

  7. You were not incarcerated at the time of the crime


Crime or attempted crimes that caused physical or mental injury or death. 



Child abuse

Child sexual assault


Elder Abuse 

Family violence 

Hit and run


Human trafficking 



Sexual Assault


Go to the Attorney General's website and download an application here.


11882 Greenville Ave 
Suite B-111 (in Forest Green Office Park)

Dallas, Texas 75243

Main Tel. 972-709-4904

Trauma Care Institute Tel. 972-709-4904

In cases of emergency, dial 911


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